We write up Financial records and Financial Statements for periods in question and supervise all current accounting work. It is our responsibility to maintain proper accounting records, and prepare Financial Statements which give a fair view of the organisation’s financial position.
We consider and if necessary report on the maintenance of accounting systems and whether we have received all the information and explanations we think necessary. We also assist organisations in ensuring that their Financial Statements conform to the International Accounting Standards.
All our audit engagements are approached in a productive and efficient manner to ensure the optimum result for the client in terms of meeting their various obligations for the audit financial statements.
We believe that an audit should not only satisfy your compliance and regulatory requirements, but also be a vital, informative and value adding experience for you. Hence our motto, “We see more than numbers” To this end we design our audit testing to address the concerns of shareholders and directors, as well as regulatory matters. We also see the audit function as an opportunity to evaluate possible improvements in the Management and Financial functions of entities. All audits are carried out with the emphasis on quality, integrity and objectivity.
After Planning, our implementation of audits involves:
We look at your tax affairs and bring them to a current and proper position. This will be complemented with tax planning and ensuring that your tax affairs are handled judiciously.
We advise in areas such as corporate, personal, and inheritance tax, VAT, and trusts and estates. We ensure that you pay your taxes in the most efficient way and benefit from any tax advantages and exemptions. We keep up to date with changing tax laws and explain complicated legislation and its implications to our clients in simple terms.
We provide outsourced complete payroll services that cater for all types of operations in any sector of industry.
a) Save you time
b) Save you money
c) Provide the solutions to your Final Deduction System (FDS) for deducting P.A.Y.E.
Most business owners and controllers don't have time to keep up with constantly changing regulations, withholding rates, and government forms. By outsourcing payroll, you can take advantage of expertise that was previously available only to big companies.
Occupational fraud and abuse are growing risks for all organizations and require experts who can help to minimize exposure. If not properly managed, the risks can have serious consequences in terms of financial loss, business performance, staff morale, negative publicity or regulatory infringement.
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimates that enterprises lose at least 5% of their turnover to occupational fraud and abuse annually. The risks increase in times of economic hardships, where there are weak controls, and where fraud can be rationalized.
We take an integrated approach to fraud risk management, designed to help prevent, detect and/or investigate fraud. We use our forensic expertise together with our accounting, auditing and investigation skills to deliver a clear independent opinion.
Fraud prevention services:
• We identify areas of internal and external fraud exposure through risk assessment
• We report internal control gaps that allow fraud incidents to go undetected
• We assist in developing fraud awareness and prevention systems to reduce client exposures.
Fraud detection services:
• We perform in depth investigations, including evidence collection.
• We provide guidance and oversight of the documentation, evidence gathering and interview phases to ensure legal and best practice compliance
• Where required and practical, we quantify and summarize the financial losses incurred
• Where required and practical, we trace the proceeds of fraud
• We report on findings
If you have any questions concerning what we do ... We are available
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